Every single pokemon character is autistic









Every single one. Like maybe there are some nts but only like one percent.

– it is a social norm to not make eye contact unless you are going to battle
– most trainers specialize in one type aka special interests
– no small talk. It is acceptable to introduce yourself by talking about whatever the fuck is in your mind and then going straight into a battle
– speaking of which, that youngster that says shorts are “comfy and easy to wear” totally has sensory issues that make him hate jeans
– random ass npcs will infodump you on miscellaneous aspects of the game. That o-pin guy in x/y totally has o-pins as a special interest
– all the player characters are partially nonverbal, they can usually only say “yes” and “no”, and they use scripts to order their pokemon in battle (names of moves and stuff like “the foe is weak! Get ‘em (pokemon name)!” No one finds anything notable about this or anything wrong with it
– the reason battling is turn-based is because many/most people have slow processing time and it’s considered honorable to respect this and allow your opponent to time to think
– the emphasis on collecting/trading and how it’s such a common hobby in that world.
– Satoshi Tajiri, the creator of pokemon, is autistic
– I’m sure there’s other evidence I’m forgetting

But basically this is canon and no one can convince me otherwise

An Autism Utopia

I’d call this a headcanon I could get behind but it is literally canon. I’m sorry they never told us but it is.

Oh for fuck’s sake stop spreading that bullshit rumour. Tajiri is not autistic; the rumour keeps spreading around autistic websites relying on anecdotal evidence and wishful thinking, without Tajiri himself, any of his kin, or Nintendo confirming it. There is one book that provides the only source saying he is, titled Satoshi Tajiri: Pokémon Creator, and GameFreak, Inc. flat-out denies it.

Do some fucking fact-checking before you embarrass us all, will you.

>only one source

>no screencaps of the email

> no results when searching yuri sakurai

> bulbapdia confrims that he has autism

This person’s terrible attempt at erasing an autistic person, if anyone ever wants some ammo for their autistic Pokemon headcanons, here ya go!

This is literally the best headcanon I have ever seen.

Autistic mutuals, check this out. Pokemon is the best. ❤

*aggressive flapping*

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